nice 5010 – Air Oxygen Blender (High / Low Flow)

- nice 5010 Air oxygen blender or mixer provides the mixed gas of up to 120 LPM.
- nice 5010 combine compressed Medical Air and Oxygen (O2) to deliver blended pressurized gas at a precise oxygen concentration (FiO2) when set by the user.
- Highly accurate delivery of FiO2 with knob adjustment from 21 to 100%
- Ideal for equipment requiring 2-120 LPM.
- Non-interchangeable input port for air and oxygen.
- Primary and auxiliary flow meter provisions provided.
- Bleed ON/OFF functions ensures more accuracy during low output flow.
- Highly audible pneumatic alarm when input pressure differentiates between 20±2 psi.
- Rigid aluminium body and highly precise mechanical components ensures the accurate mixture of input gases.
- Easy calibration makes it simple for end users.
- Blender is suitable for respiratory applications including routine therapy, ventilator gas supply, Bubble CPAP, SiPAP, High flow oxygen therapy, Resuscitator and critically-limited NICU procedures.
- Optional features of Air O2 blender/mixer include: Input gas pressure regulators, Input gas filters and customized fittings for flow meter for Air O2 blender and Air O2 blender with flow meter (cascaded).
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